Incident Report

You may use this form to report a conflict, bullying, or other inappropriate behavior. You may fill this out for yourself (if you are the target) or for someone else if you are being an Upstander.

Your Name*
What Grade are you in?*
What is the name of the student (s) being targeted?*
What is the grade of the student who is being targeted? *
Please provide First and Last Names
What is the grade of the student who was bullying or using inappropriate behavior?
I want to report*
You may check more than one option
Where did this happen?*
You may check more than one option
What was the date that this happened?*
What time of day did this happen?*
How often is the behavior happening?*
Range from 1 "Has only happened once" to 3 "Very Often (almost daily)"
How bad is the behavior?*
Range from 1 "It is annoying" to 3 "I do not want to come to school until it stops"
How safe do you feel when you are at school?*
Range from 1 "Very unsafe" to 5 "Very Safe"
You may choose to tell what happened in more detail
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